People of Perley - Jocelyn Niven
Fellowship and sorority have always been important to Jocelyn Niven. She started volunteering when she was 12 years old. Jocelyn retired after 42 years' service in the Canadian Forces, where she provided logistics for all three branches: Army, Navy, and Air Force. She joined the Perley Health volunteer team in 2023. Jocelyn considers both the Canadian Forces and the Perley Health community to be her family.
In the summertime, Jocelyn works with Perley Health's gardening program, and in the winter, she helps staff cook made-to-order meals for Veterans who attend the Breakfast Club. She makes sure to be as involved in volunteering in as many areas as possible at Perley, including Sunday Pub afternoons, portering, and special events. All are satisfying to Jocelyn, but far and away her favourite volunteer activity is the painting program on Wednesday mornings, a program funded by Veterans Affairs Canada, and the Perley Health Foundation.
A fond memory of hers is that of two residents who proved to be “natural geniuses” with a brush in their hands. Their latent artistic talent blossomed after Jocelyn coaxed them into giving the painting class a chance, one even started at the age of 101. “You know, a lot of people might write them off, but Perley Health residents take opportunities and they run with them,” says Jocelyn.
Jocelyn knows it can be tough for residents who don't get many visitors, or have difficulty getting around, to stay active and engaged. It's one of Jocelyn's priorities to help Veterans to interact a bit more and become more social. “They know that on Wednesday mornings at about 9:15, I'm going up and down the hallways to find them and get them to the studio,” she says. “Their paintings are all ready for them, and then we can take 10 or 15 minutes just to sit down and talk together.”
Jocelyn had heard only good things about Perley Health before she decided to volunteer at the facility. She had heard about Perley's resident-focused Veterans' and long-term care services through work— she serves as Secretary of the Black Watch Association (Royal Highland Regiment of Canada). It promotes fellowship among members who are Veterans and/or widows of Veterans. As soon as she learned more about Perley and its many services and work dedicated to Seniors and Veterans, she knew she wanted to help.
Stories from the women Veterans who paved the way for Jocelyn and other female officers are especially poignant for her, she says. “There are women who broke the glass ceiling that are residents of the Rideau Building at Perley, and they're phenomenal. I love to hear their stories.”
In June, Jocelyn was presented with a “Quilt of Valour.” Hand-sewn by volunteers across Canada. Jocelyn's daughter, Crystal, nominated her for a Quilt of Valour as a way of acknowledging her service and saying thank you. Quilts of Valour Canada recognizes Veterans and members of the Canadian Armed Forces for their service and commitment to our country through the presentation of quilts. Jocelyn's quilt was presented at Perley Health by Andrea Fabricius, Instructor, Creative Arts, in the studio, making it quite a fitting tribute.
“I thought I was a trailblazer when I joined the military in 1972. But now I have met the real trailblazers and I am humbled by them,” said Jocelyn. “Nothing makes me happier than a day with my Veterans at Perley Health.”
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"One of the biggest things here at Perley Health is the way the staff treats the volunteers. We are very much included like we are staff.” - Jocelyn Niven, Volunteer