The By-Laws of Perley Health are the rules given by Members of the Corporation to carry out the day-to-day activities of the Corporation in pursuit of the Corporation's lawful purposes.
By-laws Approved as Amended June 2024
- The By-Laws were first amended by the Board of Directors in 2009 and approved at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation on June 04, 2009.
- They were further amended by the Board in 2010 to include its position of Deputy Chair and approved at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation on June 03, 2010.
- The By-Laws were subsequently amended by the Board in 2011 and approved at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation on June 02, 2011 to better reflect the accountability of the Board and to permit more flexibility in the appointment of Adjunct Advisors.
- The By-Laws were further amended in June 2013 providing clarification that all matters brought before the Board are confidential unless stated otherwise.
- The By-Laws were subsequently approved as amended at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation on June 4, 2015 to align the By-Laws with Perley Health's Policy on Disclosure of Information and incorporate a few editorial changes.
- At the June 01, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Corporation, the By-Laws were further revised to clarify the start date of Directors` ten-year terms, amend the corporate membership definition and corporate membership fee requirements and to adjust the content of the Notice of Annual Meeting.
- The By-laws were amended by the Board of Directors and approved at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation on June 06, 2019 to reflect the elimination of the Deputy Chair position, the establishment of the Vice-Chair position and provide clarity regarding delegation of duties by the Chair.
- At the June 04, 2020 Annual Meeting of the Corporation the By-Laws were approved as amended by the Board of Directors to avoid sexist language, provide flexibility regarding the term of the Chair and Vice-Chair, the role of Honorary Directors and to recognize the Chair's role in issuing invitations to attend Board and Committee meetings.
- At the June 03, 2021 Annual Meeting of the Corporation, a further revised version of the By-Laws was approved as amended by the Board to adjust the wording in section 5. d. (ii) re Directors' Terms.
- At the June 01, 2023 Annual Meeting of the Corporation, the By-Laws were approved as amended by the Board to align with the requirements of the new Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA).
- At the June 06, 2024 Annual Meeting of the Corporation, the By-Laws were approved as amended by the Board to delete the requirement for a minimum of five members on the Executive Committee and clarify that the membership on the Executive Committee comprises those Officers who are Directors as well as all Directors who are Chairs of Committees; the By-Laws were also amended to indicate that Honorary Directors will not normally chair committees of the Board.