Family and Friends Council (FFC)

The foundation for Family and Friends Councils in Long Term Care Homes was established when amendments to Ontario’s Long Term Care Homes Act, 2007, were passed. This act has been subsequently replaced by Fixing Long-Term Care Act, 2021, and the section on Family Councils remains materially unchanged.

The Management Team of Perley Health promoted and supported the establishment of our Council, thus providing for a positive and collaborative relationship from the outset.

Our Mission

To honour both Veteran and community residents as the centre of all interactions by offering support and guidance to their family members and friends. We also work to promote efforts to provide safe, compassionate and quality care to all long-term care residents.


Open to family members of current and former residents. Also open to a person of importance to a resident who is committed to acting as an advocate for that resident.

When We Meet

The 3rd Thursday of the month, except July, August and December.

Where We Meet

Since April 2020, meetings have been by Zoom. When meetings resume in person notification to the FFC membership will be provided.

 Executive Team


Heather Moxley


Emmanuelle Keogh


Brenda Tobin

Directors at Large

Wendy Nicklin

Joan Olinik

Our Staff Liaison

Resident Care Liaisons


For Further Information and to join us at FFC meetings

Sign up to receive emails from the Family and Friends Council, which provide reminders of the monthly meetings, their timing and the agenda as well as information about research projects and other activities that affect residents. To sign up, or if you have any questions about the Council, email

Our meetings provide opportunities for participants to learn more about life at Perley Health, share experiences and support one another. For further information on meetings, please check the Family and Friends Notice Board outside the Pharmacy on the first floor, view the Activity Calendars on each Unit, or email

Interested individuals can sign up for FFC emails by sending a note to and enclosing your desire to be subscribed to the mailing list. Those who sign up to receive FFC emails will receive communication materials directly from the volunteer-based Family and Friends Council. These materials will also include summaries of the most recent FFC monthly meeting and info about upcoming meetings.