People of Perley - Dustin Bilson
Working as Perley Health's Talent Acquisition Specialist in Human Resources reminds Dustin Bilson of his father, who was an RPN at the Perley. Current staff give Dustin pleasant memories of how his dad used to look after the residents in his care, 25 years ago.
“He loved talking with the residents,” Dustin recalls. “He really enjoyed being able to add some brightness to people's day. He was funny, too.” For the last two and a half years, Dustin has carried on that same standard of care, taking every opportunity to stop and chat with staff, residents, tenants, and volunteers.
Dustin's time at Perley Health began just as the most critical phase of COVID-19 was coming to an end. People who had been working remotely for several years, like Dustin, were relieved to return to the workplace and see other faces, even if they were masked. He dove in head first, eager to embrace any opportunity to make human connections, and any opportunity to learn from those around him. Some of his co-workers who were born in the Philippines, for example, are teaching him Tagalog, a language he's been wanting to learn so that he can form an even deeper connection with his Filipino heritage.
Dustin's work in Human Resources is guided by the Perley Health Board of Governors' strategic goal of ‘People First'; a series of commitments and initiatives designed to promote and protect the psychological health and safety of both residents and staff. That goal extends to providing opportunities for career growth through skills development and continuing education.
Dustin strives to be involved in as many facets of operations and life at Perley Health as possible, ensuring the people of Perley feel seen, heard, and valued. He co-chairs the Cultural Awareness and Inclusion Committee, a group that promotes respect for diverse, cultural needs and fosters a welcoming, inclusive community through education and events. He speaks monthly at Orientation Day to ensure new hires know where they can turn if they need resources, have questions, or feedback they'd like to share. He also takes part in volunteer opportunities at Perley Health, including projects such as Senior Living gardens, with their communal courtyards.
Dustin says that Perley Health maintains a positive reputation in the community because it attracts staff who are passionate about caring for Seniors and Veterans. “It's where you would want your relatives to go if they require long-term care and support.”
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And the difference is YOU!

"The people here are so engaged in what they're doing. It's really a place where people can bring their authentic self to work.” - Dustin Bilson, Talent Acquisition Specialist